
A great color photo of John Kennedy and Jackie (circa 1950s).
Below are five still frames from some excellent color film footage taken during
President Kennedy's visit to San Antonio, Texas, on November 21, 1963.
More pictures of JFK's final hours can be found HERE.

[Photo Credit: National Geographic Channel]


The President laughs during the taping
of a televised interview on December 16, 1962.
The interview can be seen by clicking the logo below.


JFK, Jackie, and daughter Caroline are captured in this candid picture taken
in Palm Beach, Florida, on April 13, 1963. Jacqueline Kennedy is lighting up
a cigarette, making this photograph a very rare one in that respect.

President John F. Kennedy sits at the helm of the
United States Coast Guard boat "Manitou" while sailing
off the coast of Johns Island, Maine (August 12, 1962).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]
JFK speaks to the nation during the
Cuban Missile Crisis (October 22, 1962):

CLICK HERE to watch the complete, uncut version
of President Kennedy's "Cuban Crisis" speech.

The President signs the order to quarantine Cuba
(October 23, 1962).

President Kennedy meets with members of the
Executive Committee of the National Security Council (EXCOMM)
as the missile crisis in Cuba draws to a close (October 29, 1962).
President Kennedy rides in a motorcade
in Mexico City on June 29, 1962:


Future United States President Bill Clinton, age 16 here, shakes
hands with John F. Kennedy at the White House (July 24, 1963).

JFK views the Liberty Bell in
Philadelphia (July 4, 1962).
From the parking lot of the local A&P market in Monessen, Pennsylvania,
a fired-up President John F. Kennedy gets some campaigning
done for the Democrats (October 13, 1962):


JFK, Jackie, and daughter Caroline.
Fourteen days before he was buried in this same cemetery,
President Kennedy took part in Veterans Day ceremonies
at Arlington National Cemetery (November 11, 1963):


Jackie and Jack Kennedy in 1960.

On March 2, 1962, President John F. Kennedy addresses members of the
1962 Mardi Gras Royal Court and guests in the Rose Garden of the White House.
Mardi Gras King and Queen, Voris King and Rebekah Jo Hannie, stand at left
(over President Kennedy's shoulder).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]
JFK's last birthday party (May 29, 1963):


Prime Minister Harold Macmillan of Great Britain and President John F. Kennedy
stand in front of the White House after a luncheon in honor of the Prime Minister.
(L-R) Prime Minister Macmillan; President Kennedy; David Ormsby-Gore,
Ambassador to the United States from Great Britain; First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy;
the Ambassador’s wife, Sylvia Thomas Ormsby-Gore (April 29, 1962).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]

Another Oval Office meeting (April 21, 1961).

A glamorous evening on the town with the
President and First Lady (September 1962).

JFK meets with President Bourguiba of Tunisia
in the Oval Office (May 4, 1961).
Below are five pictures taken prior to November 22, 1963, showing
Jackie Kennedy wearing the same pink suit she wore in Dallas
on the day of her husband's assassination:


Brilliant-looking color photo, taken at the White House in
November 1963, just days before JFK's death.

Jackie with Ted Kennedy.

The President prepares to board Air Force One at Palm Beach
International Airport in Florida (April 17, 1963).

President Kennedy delivers his "Health Care" speech at
Madison Square Garden in New York City on May 20, 1962.
That particular address is probably one of the best speeches
ever made by an American President. You can see and hear
the whole speech by CLICKING HERE.

JFK, RFK, J. Edgar Hoover, and others (September 13, 1961).

President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy sail aboard the
presidential yacht "Honey Fitz", off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida.
Also onboard: Princess Lee Radziwill, sister of the First Lady; Gianni Agnelli,
heir of Fiat car company; Marella Agnelli, Italian socialite (January 2, 1963).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]


The interior of the Kennedy yacht "Honey Fitz", as seen on September 7, 1961.

The President and First Lady at Union Station
in Washington, D.C. (October 1, 1963).

JFK with former President Dwight Eisenhower.

President John F. Kennedy laughs as he visits with Press Secretary
Pierre Salinger (right) aboard the USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.,
during the fourth race of the 1962 America's Cup off the coast
of Newport, Rhode Island (September 22, 1962).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]

President Kennedy with daughter Caroline
on July 28, 1963.

Jacqueline Kennedy.

JFK and JFK Jr. at Camp David in Maryland.
Jackie is in the background (March 31, 1963).

Grace Kelly and President Kennedy (May 24, 1961).
[Photo Credit: LIFE Magazine (June 2, 1961)]

JFK greets Julius Nyerere, the President of Tanganyika,
upon Nyerere's arrival at the White House (July 15, 1963).

President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and their children,
Caroline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, Jr., play with their dogs, Shannon,
Wolf, White Tips, Blackie, Clipper, and Charlie, at Brambletyde house
on Squaw Island, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts (August 14, 1963).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]

Vice President Lyndon Johnson with President Kennedy (February 7, 1961).
Opening Day of the 1961 baseball season at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C.,
with President John F. Kennedy in attendance. The first picture shows the
President throwing the ceremonial first pitch of the 1961 season:


First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy at the National Gallery of Art
in Washington, D.C. (November 1961).

In this picture taken at Rice University in Houston, Texas,
on September 12, 1962, President Kennedy delivers
his famous "Space Exploration" speech.
Listen to the entire 18-minute speech HERE.
JFK and John Glenn at Cape Canaveral, Florida
(February 23, 1962):


The President and Bob Hope at the
White House (September 11, 1963).

Shaking hands with JFK (October 5, 1960).

JFK Jr. drinks a Coke on the South Lawn of the White House on April 4, 1963.
Jackie Kennedy, in her bare feet, is in the background.

Twenty-nine days before his death, President John F. Kennedy signs the
Maternal and Child Health and Mental Retardation Planning Bill
in the Oval Office (October 24, 1963).

JFK, Jackie, LBJ, and Lady Bird Johnson attend the Second Inaugural Salute to
the President, commemorating the second anniversary of President Kennedy's
inauguration, at the National Guard Armory in Washington, D.C. (January 18, 1963).

Motorcade through Washington, D.C. (July 11, 1961).

JFK addresses a group of college students at
the White House (August 28, 1962).

JFK at West Point Military Academy (June 6, 1962).

A slightly injured President Kennedy, seen here with a bandage over his left eye,
greets members of the Girl Scouts of America (March 16, 1961).

Jackie and Jack on May 24, 1961.

The President is seen here in the Oval Office on the morning of
November 21, 1963. This picture was taken approximately
27 hours before JFK was killed.
JFK in Honolulu, Hawaii (June 9, 1963):



President and Mrs. Kennedy at the Rice Hotel
in Houston, Texas (November 21, 1963).

President Kennedy delivers a speech at the United Auto Workers
convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on May 8, 1962.
The President's 34-minute speech can be heard HERE.

Father and son in the White House (May 30, 1963).

A Jackie Kennedy close-up.
Here are some more pictures of Dallas' Dealey Plaza. This time, we see what
the Plaza looked like from a helicopter in the year 1973, ten years after JFK's
assassination. These images were taken from the movie "Executive Action",
which was released in November 1973:


JFK and President Touré of Guinea at
Washington National Airport (October 10, 1962).

The President and First Lady (May 22, 1962).

President Kennedy speaks to a group of over 300 foreign educators from
62 countries, visiting the United States under the State Department’s
educational exchange program (February 16, 1962).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]

Joseph P. Kennedy's 75th birthday party (September 1963).

JFK and Stan Musial (July 11, 1962).

During a Founder's Day ceremony at Vanderbilt University, President John F. Kennedy presses a gold telegraph key that will remotely explode the first charge of dynamite at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' construction site of the Cordell Hull Dam on the Cumberland River in nearby Carthage, Tennessee. President Kennedy delivered an address at the ceremony to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the university's founding and the 30th anniversary of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).
Dudley Field, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. May 18, 1963.
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]

JFK and John-John.

Jackie feeds a horse in India (March 19, 1962).

Christmas with the Kennedys (December 25, 1962).

JFK makes a speech in Seattle, Washington, on November 16, 1961.
Listen to the speech HERE.
The First Family at Hyannis Port in a relaxed setting on August 4, 1962.

Excited women reach to shake President Kennedy's hand
during a motorcade in Germany in June 1963.

Some guy sitting behind that desk seems to be drawing
the attention of a few photographers.

Jack and Jackie aboard a helicopter (May 15, 1961).

President Kennedy uses a chart as a visual aid during an address
to the American people on the state of the national economy.
From the Oval Office of the White House. The date: August 13, 1962.
Listen to the speech HERE. (It's a darn good speech too.)
The President is seen here at the Fresno Air Terminal in
Fresno, California, on August 18, 1962:


The Kennedy children in the most famous back yard in America (April 1, 1963).

Jacqueline Kennedy on the night of Senator
Robert F. Kennedy's assassination in June 1968.


Air Force One, carrying President Kennedy, is seen
landing in Berlin in June 1963.

JFK and Senator Hubert Humphrey
(September 17, 1963).

The State Dining Room at the White House (February 20, 1962).

The President, Mrs. Kennedy, and Vice President Lyndon Johnson
attend the opening of the Mona Lisa Exhibit at the National Gallery of Art
in Washington, D.C. (January 8, 1963).

Jackie and the children on horseback (November 1962).

JFK visits Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day 1963.
Pages from the November 29, 1963, issue of LIFE Magazine:


The President in the Oval Office (1961).

Jackie and son (November 27, 1962).
President Kennedy visits the Oahe Dam and Reservoir
in Pierre, South Dakota, on August 17, 1962:


JFK arrives at Logan International Airport
in Boston (April 20, 1963).

Lieutenant John F. Kennedy is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal
for heroism in rescuing members of the crew of the PT-109 (June 6, 1944).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]
Below are ten images captured from the 1978
made-for-TV movie "Ruby And Oswald".
The complete film can be seen HERE.


JFK aboard a helicopter on February 11, 1961. Also seen in this photograph
are Press Secretary Pierre Salinger and his wife, Nancy, along
with Naval Aide Tazewell Shepard.

Caroline Kennedy is presented with a new pony (named Tex) as
a gift from Vice President Lyndon Johnson (May 17, 1962).

President Kennedy delivers this speech in front of
a huge crowd in Philadelphia on July 4, 1962.
Here we see President and Mrs. Kennedy
in Washington, D.C., on March 16, 1961:


The Oval Office in November 1963.

JFK lights the National Christmas Tree (December 17, 1962).

President Kennedy visits Cape Canaveral, Florida, on
November 16, 1963, six days before he was killed.

Aerial view of the White House (June 27, 1961).

The President is photographed in front of the airplane "Caroline" at
National Airport in Washington, D.C. (March 8, 1962).

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy stands with her son, John F. Kennedy, Jr.
(looking at a turtle inside a basket), at the Kennedy family residence,
Wexford, in Atoka, Virginia (October 27, 1963).
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]
The President greets a group of high school students
from Maple City, Michigan (June 21, 1962):


LBJ and JFK.
"SAM 86970", which carried Vice President Lyndon Johnson to Dallas on
11/22/63. The plane, however, had a red tail when it served as Air Force Two
for LBJ on the day when JFK was killed. These pictures were taken at
The Museum of Flight near Seattle, Washington, in July 2014:


JFK attends the Orange Bowl football game
in Miami, Florida (January 1, 1963).

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kennedy (October 27, 1961).

JFK with Senator Hubert Humphrey (May 17, 1962).

JFK presents the NASA Distinguished Service Medal to
astronaut Gordon Cooper, who had just orbited the
Earth 22 times a few days earlier (May 21, 1963). [Watch Video]

The President and Vice President (August 31, 1961).
Photos of President Kennedy's trip to Tampa, Florida, on
November 18, 1963, just four days before he was killed:

Pictures of JFK in Miami, Florida (also on November 18, 1963):


Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson wait for JFK's
plane to land at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]

The Texas School Book Depository in Dallas on November 22, 1963. This
picture was taken less than an hour after JFK had been assassinated
from the open sixth-floor window seen in this photograph.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]

On December 6, 1963, former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and her children,
Caroline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy Jr., depart the White House for the last time.
Special Assistant to President Kennedy, Dave Powers, follows behind; Princess
Lee Radziwill of Poland (sister of Mrs. Kennedy) walks through the Palm Room door.
[Description courtesy of the JFK Library.]

Jackie, JFK Jr., and Caroline at President Kennedy's
gravesite (May 29, 1964).
JFK and the President of India are seen here at the White House
just before departing for a motorcade on June 4, 1963:


JFK and Dave Powers (November 1, 1961).

The President and Mrs. Kennedy, along with Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
are seen in this picture taken at Andrews Air Force Base on June 29, 1962.

Mr. Kennedy greets people in the rain during a visit to
Charleston, West Virginia, on June 20, 1963.

JFK at the McDonnell Aircraft plant in
St. Louis, Missouri (September 12, 1962).

JFK and Caroline (August 25, 1963).
Below are still frames from a rare video of
JFK's visit to San Diego on June 6, 1963:

[Source: San Diego State University Library]
Here are two somewhat rare pictures of President and Mrs. Kennedy
arriving at Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas,
on the night of November 21, 1963:

[Photo Credit: Rob Hinnant]

The crowd at Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas, awaits the
arrival of President and Mrs. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]

The White House Rose Garden is getting a facelift.
This photo was taken on April 4, 1962.

The President, the First Lady, and John Jr. relax at the Kennedy family
residence in Atoka, Virginia. Also in the picture is Kennedy friend
Lem Billings. The date: October 27, 1963.

JFK in West Germany in June 1963.
September 12, 1953 --
Let the rest of the world eat cake -- I just married Jackie!:

Young Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy in 1955
(with brother Bobby in the foreground).
JFK, Jackie, and daughter Caroline in the summer of 1958.
Here are a few screen captures extracted from the 1986
television docu-trial, "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald",
featuring real lawyers Vincent Bugliosi and Gerry Spence.
To see more pictures from the '86 mock trial, CLICK HERE.


Jack and Jackie walking in a parade (March 1958).

JFK on the stump....campaigning for President in 1960.

Spring 1960: Jackie and Jack relax in the air between campaign stops.

JFK and fans (1960).

Utilizing the only "podium" at hand, John Kennedy
climbed atop a station wagon to address a group of
West Virginia coal miners in April 1960.

Jack Kennedy delivers a speech in Wisconsin
during the 1960 Presidential campaign.

JFK in Illinois (October 1960).

Senator John F. Kennedy (with his sister, Pat)
on the campaign trail in 1960.

JFK and Jackie in West Virginia in 1960
(during a television call-in program).
Two more pictures of Senator Kennedy during his run for President in 1960:

Jacqueline Kennedy (July 1960).
Behind the cameras just prior to the start of one of the four Presidential
debates between Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President
Richard Nixon in late 1960.
A rare color photo taken during one of the 1960 debates.

November 1960: JFK, along with family members
and Kennedy aides, watch the election returns.

JFK and RFK.
A relaxed Jackie in Georgetown in 1959.

Hi, Jackie.

This is my all-time favorite photograph
of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

A jovial JFK at another news conference.

Jackie and Jack.

John Jr., Caroline, and Jackie (circa 1970s).




