Thanks for visiting my Kennedy photo gallery.
This website brings together several hundred
high-quality images pertaining to the life and
death of the 35th President of the United States,
John F. Kennedy, including some seldom-seen photos.
This Kennedy Gallery includes three main pages, with
this first page focusing on the assassination of JFK.
To jump to Page 2, CLICK HERE. Page 3 is HERE.
And for thumbnail versions of many of the
pictures in this gallery, GO HERE.

Start playing the video above, and let the music play as
you scroll through this photo gallery. It provides nice
background audio while looking through these images.

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy's arrival at the Chamber of Commerce
breakfast in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 22, 1963, was deliberately
delayed until after everyone else had been seated, so that Jackie
could make a grand entrance -- and she did, which is depicted in
the photo above. Secret Service agent Clint Hill, who was
assigned to protect Mrs. Kennedy, leads the way.
For video footage taken during the Fort Worth breakfast, plus many
links to assassination-related television and radio coverage,
Here's a cropped version of the above photo (in color):


President John F. Kennedy in Fort Worth, Texas,
on Friday morning, November 22, 1963.
[Photo Credit: Rob Hinnant]

Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Jackie Kennedy at the Fort Worth
Chamber of Commerce breakfast on 11/22/63.
Lady Bird Johnson is on the left.

Jackie Kennedy, in the pink, sits at the head table during
the breakfast gathering in Fort Worth on the morning of 11/22/63.

LBJ, Jackie, and JFK.

The President and First Lady.

The Hotel Texas welcomes
President Kennedy to Fort Worth.

Just before the breakfast in the hotel's ballroom, the President
made a brief appearance and speech in the parking lot outside
the Hotel Texas. Thousands came out in the rain to see him.
More pictures of JFK in Fort Worth on November 22:

The motorcade through downtown Fort Worth:


JFK and Jackie are all smiles as they prepare to leave Fort Worth for Dallas.

Here's a rare picture showing Jack and Jackie holding hands
just before departing Fort Worth on November 22nd.
Here are four more pictures of Jackie and the President at
Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth just prior to boarding
Air Force One for the short flight to Dallas:


[Photo Credit: Rob Hinnant]
In the photos below, President John F. Kennedy and First Lady
Jacqueline Kennedy are seen arriving at Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas,
on Friday morning, November 22, 1963.
Texas Governor John Connally and his wife, Nellie, can also be seen in the doorway
of the Boeing 707 in the rarely-published third picture shown below.
Less than one hour later, both President Kennedy and Governor Connally were on stretchers inside Parkland Hospital after having been shot by Lee Harvey Oswald
in Dealey Plaza. The Governor would survive his serious wounds,
the President would not.
The death of John F. Kennedy plunged the nation into a period of unprecedented
grief and mourning, as JFK became the first U.S. President to be
assassinated since William McKinley 62 years earlier.


The above photograph was taken just seconds before Jackie Kennedy was handed a bouquet of red roses by Mrs. Earle Cabell (the wife of the Dallas mayor).
This beautiful picture isn't seen very often. It exhibits outstanding color and is one of a series of Love Field photos snapped by White House photographer Cecil Stoughton on that tragic Friday in November 1963 when the nation lost a President.

A beaming Jackie Kennedy at Love Field. Hugh Sidey of
Time Magazine looks on, while the "Barry John" sign in
the background serves as tragic irony.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]

This black-and-white Dallas Times Herald photo of JFK
at Love Field exhibits excellent quality.
CLICK HERE for a bigger view.
Three more color photos showing the Kennedys
greeting the crowd at Love Field on November 22nd:


This is the most famous picture taken by
Cecil Stoughton at Love Field on 11/22/63.
CLICK HERE for more details about this photograph.
John F. Kennedy--up close--on November 22, 1963
(click on these pictures for a super-sized look at JFK):

The size of the crowd at Love Field Airport is
readily apparent in these two photos:

Two more views of JFK & Jackie at Love Field:

Four more fabulous pictures of President and Mrs. Kennedy at Love Field.
A lot of photos were taken of the Kennedys that day at the airport,
and these gorgeous pictures below are also kind of rare:

[Photo Credit: LIFE Magazine]

Presidential aide Dave Powers at sunny Love Field on 11/22/63.

This Love Field picture doesn't show JFK or Jackie, but it's an interesting
photo nonetheless. Visible in this image are Vice President Lyndon Johnson,
Governor John Connally (standing up in the Presidential limousine),
and reporters Seth Kantor and Robert MacNeil.

The President's 1961 stretch limousine, with its jump seats still folded
up, awaits its famous passengers at Love Field on 11/22/63.

A frontal view of JFK's limousine prior
to the President's arrival in Dallas.

Just for good measure, here's one more good close-up
image of JFK and Jackie at the Dallas airport.
The First Couple is just about to enter the Presidential limousine in Dallas.
Two pictures showing JFK's limousine as it departs Love Field:

[Photo Credit: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]

[Photo Credit: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]
These two rare photos depict the motorcade just after leaving Love Field:


This is another rare motorcade picture -- an aerial view of JFK's limousine in
downtown Dallas. Note that driver Bill Greer has his door open (probably
in an effort to keep the crowd back, because the police motorcycles on
the left side of the car were likely not in their normal positions when this
picture was snapped, due to the heavy crowds on that side of the street).
Also barely visible on the far right side of this photo is Secret Service agent
Clint Hill, who was riding on the rear bumper of the limousine when this
picture was taken. He rode on the bumper when the crowds got very thick,
which occurred approximately four times during the Dallas motorcade.
[Photo Credit: John McAdams' website, The Kennedy Assassination]

A great look at the Presidential limousine in Dallas.
These three pictures of the Dallas motorcade surfaced in
late 2013, showing JFK's car near Turtle Creek:

[Photo Credit: TIME Magazine]

Here's another somewhat rare view of JFK's car as it travelled
through the streets of Dallas, Texas, on 11/22/63.

Photographer Bob Jackson of the Dallas Times Herald took
this picture near the corner of Main and Ervay Streets in downtown
Dallas on 11/22/63, approximately 3 minutes prior to the assassination.
This is another picture that's not seen too often.
[Photo Credit: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]

Image from original 35mm negative by Dallas Times Herald photographer
William Beal. This image shows the Kennedy motorcade in Dallas,
photographed from the balcony of the Adolphus Hotel, as it approached
the Main & Akard Street intersection.
[Photo Credit (and description): The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]
Four more pictures of the President's car in Dallas.
A lot of onlookers had busy cameras that November day:


A vibrant color photo of the Dallas motorcade on Main Street, just minutes
before the assassination. Dealey Plaza looms in the far background.

Here's another rarely-seen picture showing the Dallas motorcade
and the heavy crowds that the President and First Lady
encountered on November 22, 1963.
HERE is a bigger view.

Another motorcade photo.

This is a still frame from the George Jefferies Film, which was discovered
in February 2007. This image depicts the President's car on Main Street
just a few blocks east of Dealey Plaza.
Watch the Jefferies Film HERE.
Here are three still frames from another "new" amateur film of the Dallas
motorcade, which was discovered for the first time in early November 2013.
This short color film was taken by Andre Leche on the north side of Main Street
just a few minutes prior to the assassination. Leche's footage shows JFK
engaging in conversation with Governor John Connally, who is turning
around in his seat to look at the President:

Watch Mr. Leche's film HERE.

This picture shows the President's car on Main Street, approaching
Houston Street, just about to enter Dealey Plaza. Note the fact that
several people are hanging out of open windows on the second floor
of the building on the left.

This eerie photo depicts President Kennedy brushing back his hair as his
limousine rounds the corner from Main St. to Houston St.
The open sniper's window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book
Depository is just barely visible in this rather bleached-out photograph.
(I don't think a better version of the picture exists.)

Just seconds before tragedy.....
This is a still frame from the amateur movie taken by Dealey Plaza
witness Robert Hughes. Just like the picture above this one, this Hughes
image is quite eerie in nature, since it shows both JFK's limousine and
Lee Harvey Oswald's "Sniper's Nest" window within the same image. The
assassin's window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository
is at the very top of the picture, on the far right-hand side of the building.
This particular still image from the Hughes Film is also valuable for another
reason, because it debunks the HSCA's "acoustics" evidence (which was
presented in 1978 as virtual proof of a conspiracy in JFK's murder).
More on the importance of this Hughes image can be found HERE.
To see the entire Hughes Film, go HERE.

Assassination eyewitness Robert Croft took this up-close picture of the
President and First Lady after the limousine had made its fatal turn onto
Elm Street. Jackie Kennedy, probably to the photographer's immense delight,
appears to be looking directly at Mr. Croft when he clicked his camera's shutter.
This photo was snapped by Croft at the equivalent of approximately Frame #161 of Abraham Zapruder's home movie, which was almost exactly the same time that
Lee Harvey Oswald fired the first of his three gunshots from the Book
Depository (the first shot missed the car and its occupants completely).
To see an even larger version of the Croft photo, CLICK HERE.

This photo, taken by bystander Charles Bronson, shows JFK's car on
Elm Street during the assassination, seconds prior to the third and
fatal shot that struck the President in the head.
Bronson's picture is a bit blurry, but it's also a fascinating image, in that
it shows the limousine and many of the Dealey Plaza witnesses from a
unique vantage point (opposite Abraham Zapruder, who can be seen,
although not clearly, filming the motorcade from atop the concrete
pedestal on the left side of this photograph).
Visible in this picture are: "Umbrella Man" (with an open umbrella being
held above his head), the Newman family, Charles Brehm and son,
Mary Moorman, Jean Hill, the "Babushka Lady", and Mr. Zapruder.
CLICK HERE for a bigger version of the Bronson picture.

This is the famous picture taken by Associated Press photographer
James Altgens, snapped between gunshots #2 and #3. Both of the
limo's victims (JFK and Governor John Connally) can be seen through
the car's windshield reacting to their wounds, which were sustained
just seconds earlier when bullet "CE399" from Lee Harvey Oswald's
rifle pierced the backs of both men.
For more details about what can be seen in Altgens' amazing photo,


This is one of the most famous (and most studied) photographs
taken on 11/22/63, the Polaroid snapshot captured by Mary Moorman.
Abraham Zapruder can be seen filming the motorcade from
atop the concrete pedestal on the right-hand side of the photo.
The ugly thumbprint that mars the photo was left there by someone
who handled it after Moorman gave the picture to the FBI.

Frame from Marie Muchmore's film.
Clint Hill runs toward the President's car.

Frame 366 of the Zapruder Film.

Another photo taken by Jim Altgens, a few seconds after the fatal shot
struck President Kennedy. Secret Service agent Clint Hill has jumped
onto the back bumper of the limousine to aid Jacqueline Kennedy.
The motorcade's "lead car", with Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry driving,
can be seen just ahead of the limo on Elm Street, brakes applied.

The chaotic scene on Elm Street immediately after JFK was shot.
This photo depicts some of the "camera cars" that were part of the
Dallas motorcade. A reporter makes a wild dash toward the middle
car, as the driver hits the brakes to allow him to catch up.
Also visible on the left side of this picture, standing near the
Triple Underpass bridge, is eyewitness James Tague, who was
slightly injured on the cheek during the shooting.

The limousine with the fatally wounded President is seen here just west
of the Triple Underpass, quickly approaching the ramp leading to
Stemmons Freeway.
This fascinating photo, taken by bystander Mel McIntire, shows the
Book Depository in the background. Note the time--"12:30"--being
displayed on the large "Hertz" sign atop the Depository.

The Secret Service follow-up car, sans Clint Hill on the left
runningboard, is seen here speeding toward Stemmons Freeway.
Three images of President Kennedy's car as it was being rushed to Parkland
Hospital. Clint Hill towers above the back seat in an attempt to shield
the occupants of the Lincoln Continental limousine:

The two pictures below show the President's blurred limo as
it barrels down Stemmons Freeway, with Clint Hill on top:

A few minutes after President Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza, we see
people rushing toward the "Grassy Knoll" area. Clearly visible in this photo
(on the other side of Elm Street, near the curb) are famous assassination
eyewitnesses Charles Brehm and Mary Moorman.

Bill and Gayle Newman and their two young sons are captured on film
as they crouch on the grass beside Elm Street only minutes after they
had seen the President shot and killed just a few feet in front of them.
Below are some still frames from CBS-TV's continuous coverage
of the events surrounding President Kennedy's assassination:

To see 130 more CBS photos from November 1963, GO HERE.


This is an uncropped black-and-white version of James Powell's
photograph of the Book Depository, which Powell took
just seconds after the assassination.

Here's a cropped color version of James Powell's picture of the Depository.
Bonnie Ray Williams is clearly visible in a fifth-floor window. And some
of the boxes that shielded Lee Harvey Oswald's Sniper's Nest on the
sixth floor can be seen as well.
[Photo Credit: Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Gallery]

This is Warren Commission Exhibit #482, which depicts a close-up
version of the famous picture snapped by Tom Dillard within a few
seconds of the last shot being fired from the sixth-floor window
(which is the top window in this photo).
Just beneath Lee Harvey Oswald's sixth-floor sniper's
window can be seen Depository employees
Bonnie Ray Williams (left) and Harold Norman (right).
Norman later testified that he heard not only the three gunshots
being fired from directly over his head, but he also heard the three
empty cartridge casings hitting the plywood floor above him.
If Dillard had been just a little bit faster on his camera's shutter here,
he would have captured the only image of Oswald's rifle in the window.
This picture also shows one of Oswald's rifle-rest boxes, positioned
at an angle on the sixth-floor window ledge.

Tom Dillard's wide-angle photo of the front
of the Book Depository.
More assassination aftermath in Dealey Plaza:

If you were watching the NBC Television Network on November 22, 1963,
you saw these images on your TV screen:


Some conspiracy theorists over the years have claimed that the man wearing
the dark glasses at the far right in the above picture is Jack Ruby.
But two other photos showing the same man in sunglasses (below),
which were taken at about the same time as the image above,
prove those theorists to be incorrect:


The busy and confused scene at the Parkland Hospital emergency entrance
shortly after JFK arrived there. The Presidential limousine is visible
under the overhang.

Also at Parkland Hospital -- That's Mrs. Earle Cabell seated
in the car in the foreground.

JFK's limousine at Parkland Hospital,
with the "bubbletop" only halfway installed.

Another picture of SS-100-X at the Parkland emergency entrance.

The crowd at Parkland's emergency entrance.

An eerie and realistic-looking painting of Jackie Kennedy and the
slain President in the limousine at Parkland Hospital.
More information on this haunting piece of artwork can be found HERE.

Another excellent painting. This one was done by artist
Gage Mace in the 1990s. Bigger view HERE.

Another view of the Parkland emergency entrance shortly after
the assassination. The car that Vice President Johnson
rode in during the motorcade is in the foreground.

Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry and reporter Tom Wicker (right)
wait outside Parkland for news on the President's condition.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]

This image shows White House Assistant Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff
making the official announcement to reporters that President Kennedy
had died. The photographer in front whose face is hidden by his camera
is WBAP-TV's Bob Welch; his sound camera made the only known recording
of Kilduff's statement, given in a nurse's classroom at Parkland Hospital.
[Photo Credit (and description): The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]

A hearse arrives at Parkland.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]
Jacqueline Kennedy leaves Parkland Hospital
with the body of her slain husband:



The tragedy was now in print.
Here are some full newspaper front pages from
November 22-26, 1963. Click to enlarge each one:

To see more newspaper front pages (from all 50 states), GO HERE.

Some of the original 11/22/63 bulletins torn from the UPI wire service.


This photo illustrates the heavy police presence at the front entrance
of the Texas School Book Depository shortly after the assassination.

Guarding the Book Depository.

Here's a rare photo of the famous three tramps being escorted by the Dallas
police to the County Jail, with the Book Depository in the background.
Screen captures taken from the live November 1963
television coverage provided by WFAA-TV in Dallas and
their parent national network, ABC-TV:

More than 100 additional WFAA/ABC images can be found HERE.


Lee Harvey Oswald's "sniper's nest" on the sixth floor
of the Book Depository Building:


The sixth floor of the Book Depository.
Bonnie Ray Williams' Dr. Pepper bottle
can be seen on the floor.

A view of the stairwell on the Depository's sixth floor, which
was used by Lee Oswald to flee that floor after
he assassinated President Kennedy.

Lee Harvey Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle in the exact
position in which it was discovered on the Depository's
sixth floor at 1:22 PM CST on 11/22/63.

This is the lunchroom on the second floor of the Book Depository.
Within just a couple of minutes of the President's assassination,
Lee Harvey Oswald was seen and briefly detained in this
room by Dallas Police Officer Marrion L. Baker.
Two more views of the Depository lunchroom:

[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]
For lots more pictures of the inside
of the Book Depository Building,
click on the image below:


Another image of the Book Depository on the afternoon of the
assassination, with Oswald's sixth-floor window still open.

Lee Harvey Oswald's homemade rifle-carrying paper bag
is removed from the Depository Building by the police.
More photos of Dealey Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository
on November 22, 1963, and the days that followed:


A terrific aerial photo of Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas (circa 1967).
Excellent detail and image clarity can be achieved by
viewing THIS LARGER VERSION of the picture.

Here's another view of Dealey Plaza in 1967, taken
on the same day as the photo above it.

From a different perspective, here is another look
at Dealey Plaza in the year 1967.

Here's the way Dealey Plaza looked in the year 1959.

This very high-quality photograph shows Dealey Plaza sometime in the 1950s,
years before that small area of downtown Dallas became infamous. Take note
of how Elm Street was a two-way thoroughfare at that time. It looks
strange seeing cars travelling eastbound on Elm.
CLICK HERE for a larger view.

Dealey Plaza in 1949.

Dealey Plaza under construction in 1936. The Depository Building on the far
left was then occupied by the "Southern Rock Island Plow Company".
For a bigger view of the above photo, CLICK HERE.

And here's a better look at the "Southern Rock Island Plow Company"
Building. This picture was probably taken sometime in the 1920s.
It looks eerily familiar....doesn't it?

Here's the Book Depository as it looked when it was known
as the "Sexton Building" from 1941 to 1961.

This is a very sharp image of Dealey Plaza and downtown Dallas
sometime in the early 1960s (precise date unknown).

Here's a rare picture of Dealey Plaza taken the year
before JFK's assassination (March 16, 1962).
Dealey Plaza, decades after 11/22/63:

Click the logo below to step into
my Dealey Plaza time machine:

Below are 19 high-quality pictures of Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas,
from the year 2004, including some shots of the Plaza taken from
the observation deck of Reunion Tower. There are some excellent images
in this series, many of them taken from some rarely-seen vantage points.
All of these images were photographed by my brother on June 11, 2004,
which just happened to be the same day of former President
Ronald Reagan's funeral, which is the reason why the flags are at
half-mast in these pictures.
To see much larger versions of the photos in
this Dealey Plaza series, GO HERE.


An eerie sight: President Gerald Ford's motorcade
passes through Dealey Plaza in 1976.

In the spring of 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald posed for this
controversial backyard photo, which shows him holding
the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle that he would later use on
November 22nd to kill President Kennedy.

Witnesses are questioned by police after the assassination.
Outside the Book Depository, J.C. Day of the Dallas Police Department
holds the rifle that killed President Kennedy:


Here's another picture of Lieutenant Day with Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano
rifle. This photo was taken at the crowded police station in Dallas
at about 6:15 PM (CST) on November 22, 1963.
Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested after being seized in the
Texas Theater at approximately 1:50 PM on 11/22/63, about
35 minutes after Oswald had gunned down Police Officer J.D. Tippit:

The scene of J.D. Tippit's murder on Tenth Street
in the Dallas suburb of Oak Cliff:

Many more photos of the Tippit crime scene can be found HERE.

A bruised and handcuffed Lee Harvey Oswald.

JFK's casket is awkwardly loaded aboard Air Force One
at Love Field, as Jacqueline Kennedy and others look on.

Mrs. Kennedy boards the airplane in Dallas
for the trip back to Washington.

A rare shot of Air Force One at just about the same time
President Kennedy's casket was being put on the plane.

Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in as the 36th U.S. President by
Judge Sarah T. Hughes aboard Air Force One at Love Field
in Dallas at 2:39 PM (CST), November 22, 1963.
John F. Kennedy's body arrives at
Andrews Air Force Base in Washington:

Here are some rare color images taken at
Andrews Air Force Base on 11/22/63:

[Photo Credit: Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Gallery]

The casket bearing President Kennedy's body is placed
atop the catafalque in the East Room of the White House at
approximately 4:30 AM (EST), Saturday, November 23, 1963.
Jacqueline Kennedy, still wearing her bloodstained pink dress,
looks on. Standing beside Jackie is Attorney General Robert Kennedy.
The somber East Room of the White House on November 23, 1963:


People gather across the street from the White House on
11/22/63 following the announcement of JFK's death.

This is Commerce Street in downtown Dallas, Texas,
nearly deserted on the night of President Kennedy's assassination.
[Photo Credit: The Portal To Texas History]

Lee Harvey Oswald's "Midnight Press Conference".
"I really don't know what this situation is about."
(Yeah, right.)


Lee Harvey Oswald's completed Texas School Book Depository work
application, which was filled out by Oswald on Tuesday, October 15, 1963,
38 days before he murdered President Kennedy from
that very location (the TSBD in Dallas).
A related essay pertaining to the work application, and the
several lies that Oswald told on it, is linked HERE.

Two of Lee Oswald's Book Depository pay stubs.

Here we see Marguerite Oswald playing detective. (Marguerite was
the very kooky mother of Presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.)
Still images from the "Dallas Cinema Associates" film entitled
"President Kennedy's Final Hour", which includes numerous
motion pictures taken by amateur photographers
in Dallas on November 22, 1963:


In Ruth Paine's kitchen the day after the assassination.
Left to right: Marguerite Oswald (who is holding one-month-old
Rachel Oswald), Ruth Paine, 21-month-old June Oswald, and
Lee Harvey Oswald's Russian-born wife, Marina.

Abraham Zapruder, who took the infamous home movie showing
JFK's assassination from start to finish, talks with WFAA-TV's
Jay Watson two hours after the shooting on 11/22/63.

An invitation to the 11/22/63 luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart
that President Kennedy didn't live to attend.

Police officers stand guard outside the Trade Mart
on November 22, 1963.

The Texas Theater in the Dallas suburb of Oak Cliff, where Lee Oswald
was captured. This picture was taken on Saturday, November 23, 1963.

"SS-100-X" (JFK's limousine). This photograph was taken at the
White House garage on the morning of November 23, 1963.

Lee Harvey Oswald has been shot!
Robert Jackson of the Dallas Times Herald won a Pulitzer Prize for
this famous photo showing Jack Ruby murdering Lee Harvey Oswald in the
basement of Dallas City Hall at 11:21 AM (CST) on Sunday, November 24, 1963.
Oswald died at Parkland Hospital at 1:07 PM that day.
This is the full, uncropped version of Jackson's incredible picture.
CLICK HERE for a bigger view.
More details and info about Bob Jackson's perfectly-timed photo
can be found HERE.

A zoomed-in view of Bob Jackson's award-winning photo.

Just one second before Bob Jackson snapped his famous picture,
Jack Beers took the above photo, which provides yet another
incredible view of a murder in progress.

This high-quality KRLD-TV video clip shows the murder
of Lee Harvey Oswald as it was happening.

An NBC camera captures Jack Ruby six seconds
before he murders Lee Oswald:


Here's a rare picture of Lee Oswald, flanked by Dallas police
detectives James R. Leavelle (left) and L.C. Graves (right),
just seconds before Oswald was shot.

An unconscious Oswald, left arm dangling from his stretcher, is
about to be placed into an ambulance in the police basement.

The mortally wounded Lee Harvey Oswald arrives at Parkland Hospital.
He was taken into the hospital via the exact same emergency
entrance that President Kennedy entered two days earlier.

The scene of Lee Harvey Oswald's murder.
This photo was taken from the Main Street ramp
leading to the basement of Dallas City Hall.


This is Commission Exhibit 399, which is referred to as the
"Magic Bullet" by many conspiracy theorists.


Images from two very sad days in American history,
November 24th and 25th, 1963:

Here are some additional color photos of President Kennedy's
funeral services and official processions through Washington, D.C.
These images come from films taken by White House
photographers Tom Atkins and Robert Knudsen:

50 screen captures from the best motion picture ever made about
the assassination of President Kennedy -- David L. Wolper's
1964 masterpiece, "Four Days In November":


December 6, 1963 -- Jacqueline Kennedy and six-year-old Caroline.
Secret Service agent Clint Hill is behind Jackie.

This rare photo was taken during the time of Jack Ruby's murder trial in
late February 1964. With the Book Depository in the background, several
of the jurors at Ruby's trial are seen walking to a cafe for lunch.
The 52 pictures below were culled from a 2009 television documentary,
"JFK: 3 Shots That Changed America":

Another 144 pictures from "3 Shots That Changed America" can be found HERE.

Here are some screen captures from the intriguing 1964 Larry Buchanan
film, "The Trial Of Lee Harvey Oswald":


Surveyors measure the angles from the street to the Depository's
sixth-floor window during the Warren Commission's detailed
re-enactment of the assassination that was conducted in
Dealey Plaza on May 24, 1964.
The Secret Service car, which substituted for the President's
limousine during the Commission's reconstruction of the
shooting, is also seen in this photograph.
More photos taken on 5/24/64 during the re-enactment
of the assassination in Dealey Plaza:

[Photo Credit: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]
Below are 12 photos from the 1964 CBS-TV documentary,
"November 22nd And The Warren Report":

CLICK HERE for 68 more screen captures from
the 1964 CBS "Warren Report" special.



President Lyndon B. Johnson and members of the Warren Commission,
as LBJ is handed the completed Warren Report on September 24, 1964.
Here are seven photographs taken by
Bob Jackson of the Dallas Times Herald:

[Photo Credit: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]
The photos below come from some recently unearthed (in 2019) home
movies taken on the day of President Kennedy's assassination:

[Photo Credit: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza]

